Monday, July 16, 2007

Gym - Day 1

So, today was my first day at the gym. I haven't worked out at all in like 2 years. (And I wonder why I keep gaining weight!) Anyway, so I decided to join a gym and work out on my lunch hour. Today I did deep water aerobics. I love being in the water and because of a knee injury, I need low impact workouts.

When I got out of the dressing room, I was so I was in my bathing suit, about to walk out in front of everyone -- people who I assume work out all the time and are super fit -- not to mention I haven't spent much time in the sun so I'm as white as a ghost -- I was so frantic, I almost changed my mind and decided to go get some ice cream instead!

But I visualized myself in that short tank top that I have at home that I've NEVER been able to wear in public and I got my white butt out there. I was amazed to see that it was mainly older women (40+) in the class. They were all very nice too. It was a relief because the last thing I wanted to do was look like a klutz in front of a bunch of 20 something college athletes.

The class was pretty tough, but I made it through. Water aerobics is a good start for someone who hasn't worked out in a while. You're able to get a full workout without straining your muscles. I'm sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but at least I know I can manage.

Tomorrow I'm trying the Pilates class....wish me luck!!!!

1 opinions rendered:

Unknown said...

Good Luck Sophia!!

~leaves behind suntan oil~