Friday, August 31, 2007

My next life...

My Next Life...
I want to live my next life backwards.
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.
You get kicked out for being too healthy; go collect your pension, then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You drink alcohol, you party, you're generally promiscuous and you get ready for High School.
You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a baby, and then
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions; central heating, room service on tap, larger quarters every day, and then...
you finish off as an orgasm.
I rest my case.

6 opinions rendered:

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

You win, sign me up!

~Danny K~ said...

Lol, I think many of us wish that things could work this way. As they say youth is wasted on the young and I know plenty of people who are a waste of space right now. Nice blog

Magdalen Islands said...

Now this must be an original thought!

Head Cookie said...

LOL too funny.

Head Cookie said...

Hey there chicky if you like animals or know of an animal lover please send them to my blog I have a new post up with a link to a great place so send everyone my way.

Unknown said...

Great post Sophia!